

School Advising

College Advising

A candidate for college admission must present not only a solid academic record but also be able to present themselves as a strong contributor to their potential college community. This contribution is discovered, built, and honed through the middle- and high-school years. We work to help the student highlight the skills and attributes that make their application stand out. Whether it’s early in their secondary school career, seemingly late in the process, or anywhere in between, GlobalStart offers the tools, team, and expertise to advise students in this endeavor.

Looking to take the next step?

Are you the parent of a middle or high school student who is looking ahead toward college? The college application process may look different from what you remember. It’s never too early, and it’s never too late. Send us your questions. We’re here to help.

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Independent School Advising

Understanding what your target schools are looking for in their applicants is an important step in the process. Through GlobalStart’s extensive knowledge of independent school admission practices, we will help you present your strongest, most authentic self. It is important to know that applying to independent schools can have as many steps as applying to college; early planning will help your student and our expertise will help you remain organized and informed.

Our goal is for your student to choose the best school for them and to create the strongest representation of who they are.

Interested in exploring independent schools for middle and high school?

Choosing the right school means asking important questions about how your student is best served. GlobalStart draws from our vast experience with independent schools and our network of experts to help guide you through this process.

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